Monday, February 9, 2015


Well, I don't smell spring in the air however so many people are approaching me and asking me about gardening this coming spring.  Starting the gardens again are in the hearts and on the minds of those who love to garden.  So, it is time to blog again.
For me, I am beginning the planning process!  What to plant and where in the garden.  Do I have the compost that I need?  Do I have enough cover crop seeds left over from last year to plant an early spring crop before planting on my north side of the garden.  What kind of shape are my tools and equipment in?  What shape is my drip tape watering system in.  I know the timer died two years ago and I hand watered last year but like to go back to the more efficient and eco-friendly drip tape system.
Seed catalogues have been coming in and time to look through them and decide what new seeds, plants I want to try this year.  I don't start plants from seeds in my house because it is so open, cool in the winter and dogs and cats live in this house and fresh green seedlings they would be attracted to.  An option is to ask a master gardener friend to start extra seedlings for me when they are starting their seeds and pay a little extra for their work.  We'll see how it goes.

And my taste buds are perking up with the familiar thought of fresh veggies from the garden.  I love summer because of the freshness of the vegetables...pick them directly from the garden and send them to my "plate".  Often their colors are more vibrant than what can be found in the whole food stores in the winter.  And of course as an older "wise" women I get a lot of exercise with gardening that keeps me flexible, in shape and healthy.  What more could a person ask for.

So, when you are ready, begin your process of preparing and "dream on" and create that lovely vegetable garden for this spring.  Use your intuition and creative powers and have fun.

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