Friday, June 12, 2015


Happy spring and soon to be summer everyone!  I have not blogged for about five weeks.  Lots going on in my life, cool spring and personal issues I needed to attend to.  So, here I am now for the summer and fall and into winter.
Our spring was very cool and I did plant my spinach about April 6 as spinach loves the cool to cold weather.  I also got ahead of the game and was able to plant most all the cool weather plants.  The rutabagas, turnips, parsnips (one of my favorite root vegetables), beets of course as we love eating beets whole, grated into salads and especially pickled!!
Also arugula, romaine lettuces as long as the cool weather is here.  Onions do well in cool weather also along with the broccoli and cabbage.  Though it is suggested that cauliflower be planted in later summer and into fall, I still plant it early spring!.  One thing that has worked for me is to plant my cabbage in containers with good fertilization....cow/horse compost and a small amount of osmocote as they are heavy feeders.  All went in at the end of April and have done very well.

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