Thursday, July 18, 2013


I have met so many people that say "I would love to start my own vegetable gardens in my backyard but I just don't know where to start.  I get so confused by all the literature that is out there and I just don't have time to figure it all out."  Well, to all of you who feel this way, please know that help is available.  Help that can introduce you to the "process" of gardening in simple, scientific and fun ways and you can have that vibrant, healthy backyard vegetable/herb garden.  And for those of you that have your gardens but just need a little help to make your gardens better, we are there for you also.  We also provide services for any business that deciding to help their employees and themselves develop healthier choices in food and believe a garden on site would help meet that goal.

We provide a unique service in that we come to you and your potential or present garden site and help you assess what you want in a vegetable garden.  The following are some of the services we provide on a consultation and with educational materials:

  •  Consultation visit at the site of the potential garden(s) or present gardening site for individuals, families and businesses

  •   Assessment of potential garden space and recommendations for best gardening approaches & garden location.  Review of client budget for this project upon client request.

  •  Evaluation of soil and soil amendment/nutritional needs.  Soil preparation for planting of vegetables/herb. Soil testing if necessary Recommendations for resources, such as where to get containers, raised garden beds, straw for straw bale gardening, soil and compost, educational resource information related to the garden project

  •  Assessment of sunlight and on-going water needs along with best watering approaches

  • Assistance in choosing plant and seeds for garden if requested; fertilization needs throughout the growing season

  • And more based on your individual needs and requests
  •  Documentation by consultant in writing (by email and/or mail) of recommendations and outcome of the consultation

  •   Education and/or resources upon request: Examples might be double digging of soil; garden pests, their cycles and best organic interventions; weeds and weeding; what equipment needed and how to keep them clean; composting; mulching approaches; food preservation; what flowers to plant to attract beneficial pests; bee and butterfly gardens; local soil and compost resources and other upon request.

    We work with container gardening, soil gardening, vertical gardening, straw bale gardening, raised garden bed gardening and any combinations.  Gardening is a process from seed and plant selection to harvesting, garden cleanup and enjoying the produce of your successful gardening.  Once you have some success you will continue to make time and room in your life for this healthy alternative to processed foods.

     Invite your children to participate in both the consultation and creation of your gardens.  When you can start educating your children when they are very young, then they will make better and healthier choices about what food means and what kind of food they want in their lives.  My bet would be that they would choose the healthy, vibrant, tasteful home grown vegetables and herbs that you introduced them to when they were young.  Thanks mom and dad!!

    We have a strong commitment to help individuals become more empowered in their food choices and become even more educated in the nutritional values of food grown organically.  As a result we offer another unique service... we provide here on our blog nutritional values for each vegetable.  Not just the usual listings of protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, etc.  but how to incorporate these very nutritious foods into your diet and how they affect and assist in good health for your body in everyday life.  Presented in ways that make sense to everyone.

    Happy gardening.

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