Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Another of my new vegetables to try this year is "Bok Choy" or "Chinese cabbage", a member of the mustard family and a favorite asian vegetable for many who like stir fries.  I was manning a booth at the farmer's market and one of the vendors was selling Bok Choy seedlings or what appeared as almost mature plants.  She had them on sale so I thought I would try them.  I planted them in part shade next to my broccoli in well-drained rich soil and they soon were growing quite tall and were healthy and vibrant looking.  Be sure to water them one inch a week which includes any rain you may get in the week's time.

Now, Bok Choy is a cool weather plant that likes temperatures of 55 degrees to 70 degrees Fahrenheit...
Well, does anyone remember here in Minnesota when we last had 55-70 degrees F during the day.  Mostly our temperatures have been 80-96 degrees F over these last three to four weeks.  Even so, the Bok Choy has grown rapidly and vibrantly however because of the heat they have "bolted" or flowered.  Was able to stir fry two of the six plants but it was a little chewy.  Intending to try juicing the remaining four plants and find out what taste it has.   I learned that if it is hot outside watch out for "bolting" as they do not like hot weather.  They are really a spring and fall plant.  Best to harvest them when they are 12 to 18 inches high. 

Bok Choy can be started from seed indoor or outdoors and can survive temperatures below 30 degrees F.  Be sure to fertilize them after planting and they will do well.  This vegetable can also be planted in containers from seed or seedlings and will do well.  When in containers you have the options to move the container into the shade when the sun is really hot.

So, an experiment for me.  Next growing season I will try the containers and plant earlier and plan on planting a fall crop. 

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