Monday, August 12, 2013


Cool spring, hot summer for a period of time and here it is almost the middle of August and harvest time.  It feels like fall already.  The weather is cool, the vegetables are harvesting and leaves are turning brown on some of the vegetables.  Our weather is so unpredictable. 

I miss the creative, planning, dreaming of the vegetables time of gardening.  Though I do appreciate the entire process I particularly love creating what and where to plant my favorite mouth-watering vegetables.  There is a little tiny bit of sadness creeping into my soul knowing that in about a month I will be doing garden clean-up and preparing for the winter months.  For a short period of time there will not be an active "garden time".  And then again right after the first of this next year, gardening begins again with evaluating last years vegetable gardens and designing the new; ordering seed catalogs and starting to plan the growing of the new seedlings.  It is all a part of the process and experience of vegetable gardening.  It is a renewable circle of creation!!!  It is not a linear experience.

Don't forget to plant your garlic this fall!!!

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