Friday, September 13, 2013


I haven't been writing my blog for over a month.  I have missed it also.  My youngest black lab has been so ill, we have been in a draught and the diminished produce because of the cool spring and early summer, the hot hot rest of summer, no rain for way over a month, is now keeping me very busy harvesting and preserving the vegetables that made it through all this.

WE have also had a huge infestation of the yellow jacket wasps and the queen bee nest is hidden in the straw where my potatoes are planted.  Difficult to walk in the garden without getting multiple stings.  But my squash is big and beautiful and for a change I did get lots of green beans this year, one of my most favorite vegetables.

This gardening season has been a challenge and a joy all wrapped up in one.  The draught has been the most difficult because even with regular watering the plants have become stressed and not as fruitful.  I have noticed that where I have not had pests in my garden all summer, that with the draught and plants become stressed, the square vine bore bugs, tons of grasshoppers, the wasps and the tomato blight have just sored in the last 2-3 weeks.

We truly just need to practice the best gardening techniques and leave the rest to nature.  Next year I say, there are some things I will do differently.  Gardening is scientific, creative and intuitive and it is important to use all three skills and then let go and enjoy and learn.

So for now, I may not blog a lot till late winter next year.  Have a great rest of the year.  Maggie

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