Friday, May 10, 2013

May Gardening

Greetings to all you gardeners who have toughed out this six month long winter.  Each time I thought I would begin to garden, I was reminded that mother nature is truly in charge.  So, each time I put a smile on my face and patiently waited for those moments of planting or seeding my cool weather vegetables.  My spinach is finally up about an inch and a half and looking pretty healthy.  Just now going out and have planted my lettuces, peas and today planting my cool weather cabbage, broccoli and a try at the cauliflower and hoping it doesn't get to hot to soon as cauliflower does not like the heat.  My first crop of beets were planted yesterday also.

We have a lot of issues with tunneling rodents (gopher, moles an voles) here in my area of central Minnesota.  In fact, I think I have an underground city of rodents.  So, each year I plant my cabbage in containers and they grow beautifully.  The gophers seem to love the cabbage and don't seem to bother with my broccoli and cauliflower.  Go figure!

Well, while it was cold, rainy and snowing this last week, I was down in St. Louis Missouri at my nephew's house putting in a raised garden bed and jute based vertical gardens for his wife.  And of course the older kids of the eight kid family were very helpful.  You would have found me out in the rain and cold loosening the CLAY soil of St. Louis.  I didn't know it was clay but knew it wasn't the easiest soil to grow in.  It was like digging in heavy heavy slippery mud and I looked like someone who had been playing in the mud.  But we got the job done and Jen can have fun and enjoyment with her first vegetable gardens.  And the kids will love it.   So, though I missed the snow and cold of Minnesota, I was in the middle of cold, rain and clay at the same time.

Now it is time for my gardens!  

More on the joys of gardening with my next Blog!  And be sure to read Alex Crapser's nutrition blogs.  Her blogs are packed with great information on the nutritional benefits of each vegetable.  So, enjoy!

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