Tuesday, May 7, 2013

About Alex

Hello curious future gardeners,

My name is Alexandra Crapser, you can call me Alex, and I will be contributing to the Gardener's Gardener by adding the nutritional information and health benefits that go along with all the wonderful and delicious fruits and vegetables that you may be growing in your backyard or may be just simply curious about.

A little about myself - I am a graduate of St. Catherine University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics and I aspire to someday become a Registered Dietitian.  What's that you say?  Well, a Registered Dietitian (RD) is someone who works with others to educate them on developing a healthy relationship with food, whether because of an illness or disease, weight control, or curiosity. 

Where did my passion for nutrition come from?  I have ALWAYS loved food and when deciding what to pursue as a career, I chose to educate myself on how to have a healthy relationship with food through a major in Dietetics.  I wanted to learn how to enjoy the foods I love in a healthy way, because let's face it, pasta, ice cream, and burgers are some of my guilty pleasures.  Lately, I have been spending my free time trying out new recipes that include healthy ingredients I am not familiar with.

I am also an avid runner, not fast, but I enjoy the alone time and personal competitiveness of the sport.  I am training for the Twin Cities Marathon this fall and cannot wait to start eating all the delicious fruits and vegetables from the Minneapolis Farmer's Market as well as from my parent's backyard to help me get all the vitamins and minerals I'll need to keep my energy up!

I hope you enjoy all the nutritional information and health benefits I will be providing for you about potential fruits and vegetables you may want to include in your backyard garden.  If any of you are like me, you look forward to eating food throughout the day.  What I like to say is - I don't eat to live, nor do I live to eat, but I sure do love to eat to live.  

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