Sunday, June 30, 2013


This is the time in our gardening season where those pesky pests can show and up and growing plants can get stressed with the hot weather, lack of water and you can see changes in the leaves.  In other words it is time to be aware of plant and garden health.

Early each morning I take a walk through all my gardens, both vegetable and flowers, including my wild woodland gardens.  I am one of those people that talks to plants and animals so if you were taking that walk with me you would hear my conversation.  Basically, I take that walk to enjoy the plants, greet them, tell them how grateful I am for their presence in my gardens and sharing their vibrancy and great beauty. 

My morning walk is also meant to check out:
  • The vibrancy and health of my plants, including the fruit or product, the plant leaves, the stems and also at the soil level where a lot of pests can hide.
  •  Notice if the gophers have moved in yet and roots are eaten
  •  What do the leaves look like...are they green, growing, vibrant, yellowing, curling, browning?   Do they have holes in them from chewing insects?  It is important to check the undersides of plant leaves as that is where many lay their eggs/larvae
  • Is the soil moist.  I do a finger test and if the soil is dry up to my second knuckle then it is time to water.
  • Is the watering system working as expected?
  • Is there any fruit/produce that is ready to pick.
  • Are my garden beds weedy?  If so,  I weed them as I do my "walk through"
There are many observations and interventions that can be done by a "walk through" and this is so key to keeping healthy plants.  Many insects and plant diseases happen when we don't practice good gardening maintenance or we don't think we have "time".  So, try out a daily "walk through" and care for your garden at that time and I'll bet that feeling of  "not having time" will disappear. 

When plants are stressed and sick looking, challenged and lack the nutrients they need that is when pests and disease can enter into your garden.  When I practice good "garden maintenance", my plants are vibrant and healthy.  So far this year I have not experienced any pest or disease issues.  Often in the past, I have seen the white moths by now that lay their eggs on my cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower and turn into the pesky cabbage looper...but none so far this year.  Because it has been so wet and humid, it is perfect for the fungal diseases....none so far.

So, remember, start your garden with good organic soil full of nutrition that plants need; plant plants that are disease resistant as much as possible and/or choose healthy looking plants or viable seeds from a seed company that you trust; and practice great garden maintenance on a daily basis and watch you garden turn into a lush, vibrant and productive experience.  Enjoy.

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