Sunday, June 2, 2013


Maggie here!  I haven't blogged for a few days as I have been so busy getting the rest of my gardens planted.  The weather has been so unpredictable that my usual routine is no longer a routine.

 For me gardening is a PROCESS beginning last fall by evaluating the success of my gardens; what worked; what didn't; what I might do differently this gardening season; what new vegetables do I want to plant this year; what seeds do I have available and are still viable (did I store them properly?), etc.  Then  there comes February and March and time to order seeds or grow seedlings and make sure I am aware of what seedlings can be started when so that they will be ready to be hardened off and transplanted in the garden in the spring at the right times....cold weather plants verses warm weather plants, etc.  A great time also to take a workshop or course on gardening as things are still a bit quiet and not so rushed as I experience in April and May.

The PROCESS continues with making sure my soil is enriched with organic material from compost, a winter cover crop such as winter rye, or other organic materials.  Making sure that my soil is amended to provide all those beautiful micro organisms that enrich the soil with their own style of fertilizing.

And then when the soil can be worked, I am able to get out into the garden, loosen the soil up and plant those cool weather crops.  My spinach went in in the third week in April and is growing beautifully right now, even with a few sessions of snow that covered the seeds. 

Planting my vegetables is a "timing thing" based on each one's ability to germinate in "what" degree Fahrenheit of soil environment.  Keeping track of this can be fun and tricky.  As I often say "gardening is a time sensitive process".    All are planted in beautifully amended soil with organic material, whether it be compost, tilled in straw from last year or are being grown in containers in potting soil because of garden pests such as gophers and mole and rabbits.  Just have a few tomatoes to plant along with my squash and cucumbers.  Good I waited or didn't have time to get them all in because our weather has turned to cold again and it was in the "40's " last night and will be the same for the next few nights. 

A PROCESS and one I love and feel passionate about.  Next blog will be about the intuitive process of gardening.  Talk later!  Garden pictures to show soon! 

Tell me about your process and how it has gone for you this challenging season!

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