Monday, June 10, 2013

Gardening is a creative and intuitive experience

Hi, Maggie here!  How is everyone's garden doing?  Everything planted now?  For some of us we are still planting some of those warm weather plants.  I am finally done as of today.  My, the vegetables grew 2-3 inches overnight.  We are on our way.

Gardening can be quite scientific.  It is best to know the science behind gardening.  It is good to know how to create healthy soil that has organic material in it so that the plants get the vitality they need.  And then of course, we eat that vitality.  So, all is good.  It is important to know when to water, mulch, fertilize, what plants to choose to plant and when it is best to put them in the soil.  It is always a good thing to know some of the basic garden pests and how to intervene...or not.  All this was missing for me for many years.  I used to laugh and tell people that I always garden intuitively and that it is a creative process.  And it is however my vegetable gardens grew poorly after a while and I didn't understand why.  So, I went back to school in a Horticulture program and to my great surprise found that there is truly a scientific part of successful gardening.  Both intuition, creativity and science are all part of the gardening experience.  Best to include all!

And intuitive creative gardening is a very important part of the process of gardening.  Gardening brings out our knowingness..what works best, what grows well together, etc.  Gardening also helps us get in touch with "mother earth" and all her blessings she shares with all life.  Gardening helps us appreciate healthy food and our own health and well-being.  Gardening is a time to smell the health of the soil and the vibrancy of living things.  It is a time to trust our "gut" when making decisions in the garden.  It is a time to slow down and listen to the animals, birds and the "sounds" of life growing...yes, there is a sound to things growing.  Gardening gives us the opportunity to feel the joy of life and accomplishments; the gratitude for all we have and even perhaps the generosity to share some of our bounty.

Creativity and intuition are indeed a major part of gardening.  So Stop and Listen not only to life around you but the life within you.  Enjoy. 

I am attaching some pictures of the gardens as of June 10, 2013.  Hoping I get them uploaded all right.  Lets see!


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