Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Greetings on this new day.  Still some snow on the ground but so much has melted.  Today I wanted to introduce you to Alex, a young woman who recently graduated from a local college with four years of education in the dietetic school, now having a wonderful knowledge about nutrition.  Alex is going to help complete the second part of "the gardener's gardener" goals and that is to provide nutritional information about the vegetables we grow.  It just seems very important that we know what we are growing, what we are eating and how it helps the body mind and spirit.  I wrote a little yesterday about the nutritional value of spinach.  Alex will be actively providing all of us important information on nutrition and perhaps some recipes that we can use.  So look for that nutrition piece as it weaves throughout the importance of growing, harvesting, eating and preserving your own food.

Welcome Alex!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone! This is Alex and I am so excited to be apart of the Gardener's Gardener and share with you what is so exciting and the best part about gardening: delicious fruits and vegetables that are loaded with more vitamins and minerals than you could have ever imagined.

    Soon to come: Health benefits of spinach.
