Friday, April 19, 2013

letting go of expectations

I realize that most of us have had expectations about when we could be starting our gardening and be out in the sun getting our natural Vitamin D.  And yesterday as it snowed so softly and continuously until it reached over a foot with the snow hanging on the trees creating a winter land, I was reminded that we are never really in charge and that there are lessons and gifts in these situations.... stop expecting and just live in the moment and enjoy.  Otherwise we get frustrated and don't see the joy and opportunities in those moments.  I too have struggled with this cold, damp snowy winter and have been known to mumble and complain.  I decided to stop that and just be with what is there and continue my preparations for spring gardening.

So, that is what I am going to do.  And in those quiet moments of winter I have been led to bring my focus to the children, childrens' nutritional needs for today and for everyday forward to help them and their parents and families to provide themselves the nutritious foods for fuel for the body and brain to move freely and energetically in their lives.  So,  I will be adding a nutrition piece to my business "the gardener's gardener" and how different foods provide certain vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and enzymes for our body supporting our everyday sense of well-being.  So plan on seeing this aspect of health on my website, blogs and communications.

See what happens when you just live in the moment and let go of expectations.  What can happen for you if you do the same.


  1. I can't wait to see all of the information. I know that I need to clean up my eating and how important good nutrition is but could use some inspiration!
